Thursday, November 4, 2010

BAtman and Robin #16 (SPOILERS)

Bruce Wayne is back. That alone is worth an entire issue but jeez Grant Morrison really packed it all in to this one. You have Batman and Batman and Robin Fighting the mad clone? or something of Thomas Wayne a creature that looks like him but is purely evil. Batman (Dick Grayson) has a bullet hole in his head thats killing him yet somehow manages to get Robin to an atomic bomb thats dropping on Gotham and he defuses it. Pyg who has turned Gothamites into frantic junkies gets his comeuppance as he is ripped apart in a frantic search for more of the drug he poisoned them with. The Black Glove attempts to trap Bruce in his own cave (like that will work) and gets the shit kicked out of him by the joker. If thats not enough the issue ends with a bang Bruce Wayne admits he has been funding Batman for years and is no going to incorporate the Batman ideal worldwide. Sort of a security guard thing I guess? I dunno I'm gonna have to RAFO. This issue gets to big thumbs up and it is not just for the story. The art was so good and it looks like all the artist s on Morrisons run came back fora page or two. Although quietly just did his usual cover. If you haven't read Morrisons Batman and Robin SHAME ON YOU! Go Go now to your local comic shop and buy it. If you have then I am sure that you are as bummed as I am that he is ending the book here.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wheel Of Time Towers of Midnight Review (SPOILERS!!!!)

I just finished ToM and first off I have to say I really like this book I found all the characters to be well written I was happy that a bunch of the loose ends that were out there were tied up like tight weaves. The return of Moraine, the zen of Rand, Perrin accepting himself, and Mat cleaning things up with the Eelfiin and Aelfinn (not to mention Asmodeans killer being revealed at least I think, and Jain Farstrider admitting he is Noal.)

The first thing I have noticed with Brandon Sanderson in comparison to Robert Jordan is that he likes to move the story along much like Jordan used to do. This book is fast paced. The character are finally after 13 books admitting the things they fought so long to deny. Perrin finally admits he is a good leader. Mat finally admits his Ta' Verene Nature and Rand finally finds peace within himself as the dragon reborn. Elayne and Egwene both find ruling more difficult than they thought it would be and in turn both do a good job. Aviendha on the other hand finds that she must do something she never wanted to do she must help lead the Aiel in order for them to survive. I think a lot of people will find Aviendha's moments in Rhuidean to be the best part of the book. I would say that the scene is awesome but certainly was not my favorite part. One of my favorite parts though was when the Dark one dealt with Graendal. In her case I have to say the punishment certainly fit the crime.

This would not be a WoT book without some open questions hanging there. The Major ones are the Black Tower. Taim is obviously using compulsion on as many of the men and women in the Black Tower as he can.Three young Asha' Men and maybe a handful of two rivers dedicated seem all thats left of the "uninfected." These parts of the book almost had a Zombie like feel to them or more an Invasion of the body snatchers. A few lone people in a village fighting to keep the evil body snatchers away as one by one they fall victim. The consensus is that the foresaken controlling them is Demandread although you don't really know.

The Seanchan are another open ended plot point. When Aviendha goes threw the Ter' Angreal in Rhuidean she sees what the world would be like with the Seanchan in rule the world is not a fun place for the Aiel, and the Seanchan have, in a few generations wiped them out or turned them into garbage hunting scavengers. A few major turning points are seen by Aviendha where it looks like this future could be prevented. Obviously she is going to try and do that. It is her Purpose as she really has not had one up to this point. Not only is the future with the Seanchan in question but the present is a major problem too. In order for Fortuana to accept Rand he must kneel. I don't know if this new, calm, and at peace Rand will or wont he seems like he might in order to bring the peace he needs. Either way they are one of the few things left to tidy up.

The book ends actually on a major cliff hanger after Perrin has forged what is essentially Mjolnir and Mat has saved Moraine. Rand has asked all the country's loyal to him and the White tower to meet in a field in order to discuss the last battle. There he has a vision of Lanfear begging him to help get her free as her soul is being tortured and that is the last we see of this. It is the end.

Although we have a lot cleaned up let us not forget that this is only the penultimate book. We still have a whole 1000 pages or (hopefully) more to go and how Sanderson and crew expect to clean everything up is still a mystery. I have faith in them, although not the creator himself Sanderson (like the dragon reborn) has forged ahead to bring this world close to the ending it rightfully deserves.